West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s statement, in which she invited proposals from different parties to join hands with Trinamool Congress (TMC), the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) feels that the remarks clearly hints saffron surge in the state.
"She has admitted and her statement endorses the fact that BJP is rising in Bengal. Actually, she is scared of BJP gaining momentum in the state, well aware that her vote-bank and appeasement politics won't be able to help her win the next Assembly polls," said BJP National Secretary Siddharth Nath Singh.
"So she is sending feelers to her adversaries against whom she had herself fought in 2011," Singh said.
During a television interview on Friday, when Banerjee was asked if she is ready to hold talks with Left parties, she replied, "We can hold talks with them, there is no problem in talking."
"She is saying this now but I had told the same thing long back that Trinamool, Left and Congress will join hands to halt us in Bengal. But let me tell you it won't come in aid of Banerjee this time. Even she herself now confirms that we are inching closer to be a formidable political force," BJP state President Rahul Sinha said.
On the same day, while talking to the media persons about the Lalu-Nitish alliance to stop BJP in Bihar, Banerjee had stated, "If such a situation arose in Bengal, we will think over it. I still think nobody is untouchable. We had tie-up with SUCI once. We also had tie-up with some other smaller parties. If anybody comes forward we can talk. In a democracy, nobody should shut the door for talks. No option should be closed."
But when she was asked if she is ready to associate themselves with their biggest rivals CPI-M, Banerjee said, "I did not say that. I only said if any proposal comes, we will discuss within our party."
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