Speaking at Business Today MindRush on Saturday, Ram Charan, who is known to advise top CEOs across the globe, analysed the last six months of the Modi government and stated: "He has clearly shown the world that, from now onwards, India is on the move."
"'Make in India' cannot succeed if you do not realise that manufacturing today is very different from what manufacturing was yesterday. Let India identify core areas in which we wish to intensely pursue our goals. It could be software, healthcare whatever. We have the intellectual power. In addition, PM Modi is looking at improving a sector like energy, which is essential. So I say the mood is very positive."
India's immediate goal, in Ram Charan's opinion, should be to develop its forex reserve to $1 trillion something that will automatically guarantee the country its place in the comity of nations.
Returning to his observations of the Modi administration, he rejected charges that Modi was hardly a team player.
"I would say he has a good team and he listens to his team. As a CEO who has a political mandate, we must realize that his job is far more complex than any ordinary CEO. People who criticise Modi have no experience of how things are done," he added.
In his opinion, youngsters entering their professional lives need to continuously expand their mental capital, study their management and have as bosses only those who were progressive.
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